Practice your authoritative voice

Practice your authoritative voice
5Image titled Appear More Authoritative Step 10

 In addition to adding some depth to your voice, finishing off sentences properly, and eliminating “fillers,” you can also work to perfect the tone and pace of your speaking. Speaking too quickly, too softly, or without enthusiasm can all be remedied with practice, and give your words more authority in the process.[16]

  • You might feel silly reciting famous speeches from Shakespeare’s works in your bathroom mirror, but doing so can in fact be helpful. Think of yourself as a great actor on the stage, tackling Hamlet or Macbeth. Speaking with authority will come naturally.
  • More practically, you can practice the speech you’re going to give in a similar manner. Take note of your tone, pacing, volume, gesturing, and so on. Consider recording yourself so you can examine your practice run.